Επιστημονικά Βιβλία

64 προϊόντα
  1. Chimeras, Inventory of Synthetic Cognition
  2. The Epicurean Position on Mathematics, A Short Analysis
  3. A Little History of Science

    A Little History of Science

    από12,26 € σε 4 καταστήματα
  4. Prime Numbers And Open Hypotheses, Problems Of Many Centuries And Millennia
  5. English for Avionics, Electrical Systems and Navigation, Student's Book & Workbook
  6. Nuclear Decommissioning Case Studies
  7. The Scientists

    The Scientists

    από15,49 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  8. The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom
  9. Electrician's Guide to the Building Regulations
  10. Greek Mathematical Works, Thales to Euclid
  11. A Crack in Creation , The New Power to Control Evolution
  12. Life's Greatest Secret

    Life's Greatest Secret

    από15,49 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  13. The Skeptics' Guide to the Future
  14. Science, 50 Essential Ideas

    Science, 50 Essential Ideas

    από20,26 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  15. The Colour Code, Why We See Red, Feel Blue And Go Green
  16. The Magic of Reality, How We Know What's Really True
  17. Psychedelic Apes, From Parallel Universes To Atomic Dinosaurs - The Weirdest Theories of Science and History
  18. Joined-Up Thinking

    Joined-Up Thinking

    από17,88 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  19. Life is Simple

    Life is Simple

    από20,26 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  20. An Underground Guide to Sewers
  21. Seven Pillars of Science

    Seven Pillars of Science

    από10,72 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  22. A Brief History of Timekeeping
  23. Statistical Physics Fundamentals Advanced, Fundamentals and Advanced Topics
  24. Phenomenology of Particle Physics
  25. A Student's Guide to Laplace Transforms
  26. Essential Statistical Physics
  27. A Student's Guide to Analytical Mechanics
  28. Energy, Supply and Demand

    Energy, Supply and Demand

    από62,93 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  29. Love and Math, The Heart of Hidden Reality
  30. The Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking
  32. Science : The Definitive Visual Guide
  33. Control: The Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics
  34. The Short Story Of Science

    The Short Story Of Science

    από17,88 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  35. Science in the Soul, Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
  36. Science Illustration, A History of Visual Knowledge from the 15th Century to Today
  37. Cure, A Journey Into The Science Of Mind Over Body
  38. The Earthquakes of Cyprus

    The Earthquakes of Cyprus

    από15,80 € σε 3 καταστήματα
  39. Reactions


    από29,81 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  40. This Book Will Blow Your Mind, Journeys at the Extremes of Science
  41. Don't You Have Time to Think?
  42. Asimov's New Guide to Science
  43. Deep Simplicity
  44. Introduction to Bioinformatics
  45. Thermodynamics, Concepts and Applications
  46. The Elements

    The Elements

    από19,07 € σε 2 καταστήματα
  47. Why Beauty Is Truth
  48. APOLLO'S ARROW Paperback

    APOLLO'S ARROW Paperback

    από34,58 € σε 2 καταστήματα
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