• It's not bad. The lever and construction seem sturdy.
    It fits easily (you screw a large bolt from the bottom side of the marble/granite).
    You connect the two tubes with hot and cold water supply, and the third and longer one (tube) you screw onto the faucet so the shower head works.
    The weight is not heavy enough to pull the faucet down and fit the shower head in place, so sometimes it stays 1-2 centimeters out. But if you have space under the cabinet for the weight to move freely, then you won't have a problem.
    If you have things in the cabinet, FORGET about this faucet, you won't be able to put the shower head in place at all and it will hang.
    It is May 31, 2024. If something happens to the faucet later, I will come back. I bought it for 85 euros. It was a bit pricey but if it lasts for years then I am satisfied.

    • Easy installation
    • Ergonomics
    • Construction quality
    • Durability
    • Value for money
  • Techly ICA-PLB 136M 023851 Wall TV Mount with Arm up to 55" and 45kg White

    3 out of 3 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    Very stable base. You can stick the TV to the wall and it almost doesn't look like there's a base. Or you can pull it right-left and tilt it in the direction you want, even to sit in the far corner of the living room. Specifically, I was looking for something like this because I want to be able to rotate the TV almost vertically with the wall when I sit on the couch.

    • Stability
    • Weight Capacity
    • Construction quality
    • Easy installation
    • Viewing angle
    • Value for money
    • Easy access to connections after mounting on the stand
    • Cable management
  • Techly ICA-LCD G112 ICA-LCD G112 Wall TV Mount with Arm up to 32" and 8kg

    2 out of 2 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    Guys, the arm is incredibly stable. Perfect for a moving screen on the computer. You can adjust it up, down, right, left, and also rotate it as you want to look at the TV towards the floor or towards the ceiling.

    • Stability
    • Weight Capacity
    • Construction quality
    • Easy installation
    • Viewing angle
    • Value for money
    • Cable management
    • Easy access to connections after mounting on the stand
  • The thumbstick is fine, anyone who gets excited when playing and breaks their controller's thumbstick can "wear" this one. Just note that it comes with 1 thumbstick and not a pair. I say this because in the photo, two are shown together, and I believe that the photo is not honest, because one can easily conclude that "since the controller has two, then logically they will send me two"....
    And I say that the photo is not honest, but it is not illegal either.... Because no one promised to send two thumbsticks. But is it legal and ethical? In what world will our children grow up, Nikos Tsiachtsikas?

    So, you are the ultimate judge, dear consumer and meticulous searcher who wants everything at your feet.

    I personally give it 4 stars and not 5.

    Also, the order arrived relatively quickly, I have no complaints.

    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • Logitech Lift Wireless Ergonomic Vertical Mouse Black

    10 out of 10 members found this review helpful
    Verified purchase

    You need to get used to it and decide that from now on your mouse will be vertical. I had an issue with the two bones of the hand that 'squeeze' the nerves when you twist your hand to hold the traditional mouse. With the vertical mouse, THE PROBLEM DID NOT PERSIST, but at least I see that it does not worsen.
    This means that anyone who has not yet developed a problem in their hand, if they switch from a traditional mouse to a vertical one, they will not develop one.

    Also, choose a mouse pad on which the mouse glides well. If you have a mouse pad that makes dragging difficult, you are putting strain on your hand.

    • Comfort
    • Precision
    • Durability
    • Weight
    • Silent
    • Value for money
    • Effectiveness
    • Quiet
    • Volume
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
  • It is good, but I don't like that the TV "plays" as if it is hanging from springs. If I knew beforehand, I would have bought a stand with more money. This one is OK, it basically does its job, but I thought that stands hold the TVs with absolute stability (like those stands in cafes, for example). Maybe I am wrong, I don't know what to say. If you want the TV to be held securely, get it, there is no issue of it falling, etc.

    UPDATE after a year and a half of use: The stand has worn out quite a bit, and the TV looks as if it is hanging when I turn it to be viewed from the corner of the room. Now I am looking for a more expensive one that does its job well. However, the TV has not fallen (yet). If you want a cheap solution, go for it (relatively decent price). Otherwise, spend the extra bucks and get something better.

    • Weight Capacity
    • Easy installation
    • Viewing angle
    • Easy access to connections after mounting on the stand
    • Stability
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Cable management
  • My job requires me to write for many hours a day. I type quite fast. The keyboard is satisfactory for professionals, but it doesn't compromise typing ability. What I mean is that when you type fast, it's easy to accidentally press the adjacent key, unless you're used to it and have become a star at touch typing. Once you get used to it, it's difficult for wrong letters to slip by. I switched to the K65 after being accustomed to typing on the best - in my opinion - keyboard in the world: the iMac keyboard (mid 2010). After a month, I got used to the Corsair and now I type just as fast without making mistakes. Long story short, for professionals: Buy it, unless you're an accountant (because it DOES NOT have a numpad). I can't comment on it for gamers because I don't play games. I imagine the criteria for gamers is for the keyboard to be made of granite (!) so it doesn't break when they hit it out of frustration. The construction, however, is very sturdy, metallic, with compact keys, and the keyboard can be easily cleaned with an air blower, as there is enough space underneath the keys where dust accumulates. The LED lights are satisfactorily bright and you can customize them however you want. I have set mine to green, and when I press a key, it lights up red (I did this so I know what I pressed while typing). Most likely, gamers will like the LED lights, as well as those from the '80s, because it has some strange settings that resemble a disco ball (I wonder who uses them without going crazy). During the day, the noise is not bothersome (I'm a peculiar person and I like hearing the 'click', it gives me a thrill, it excites me, bro!), but if you type at night, your wife will probably throw a slipper (or an iron. And when it's turned on. Along with the ironing board.) at you. Overall, the keyboard is good and gives off what we call a life-long warranty, meaning it will function for a lifetime (so if you buy it and plan on committing suicide, it's good to include it in your will). That's it. If you liked the video, give it a like, subscribe, and... ... ...wait, what am I saying? I'm writing a text, not vlogging... Oh, this new generation...

    • Key feel
    • Cable length
    • Response time
    • Construction quality
    • Cleaning
    • Value for money
    • Moderate noise
  • Παιδιά ο φορτιστής πετάει. Να ξέρετε ότι για να φορτίζετε γρήγορα τισ συσκευές σς πρέπει να είναι συμβατό ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΚΑΛΩΔΙΟ. Δεν αρκεί μόνο να είναι δυνατός ο φορτιστής. Παράδειγμα, δεν μπορείς να περάσεις ρεύμα 2 αμπέρ από λεπτεπίλεπτο καλώδιο - κινεζιά. Για αυτό ακριβώς, κάποια καλώδια USB κοστίζουν 2 ευρώ και κάποια άλλα 8. Τα καλώδια έχουν και αυτά προδιαγραφές και δυνατότητες, ανάλογα με το πόσο χοντρά είναι και πόσο αγώγιμο είναι το σύρμα τους. Να αγοράζετε καλώδια με ΤΟΥΛΑΧΙΣΤΟΝ ενδεικτική χωρητικότητα 1,5 αμπέρ. Ας πούμε το αυθεντικό καλώδιο του φορτιστή ενός σάμσουνγκ σίγουρα χωράει να περάσει 1-2 αμπέρ. Οι κινεζιές επιτρέπουν το πολύ 0,5 αμπέρ, δηλαδή φέξε μου και γλίστρισε...

    • Charging speed
    • Durability
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Fit in the cigarette lighter port
  • Full HD DVR Κάμερα Mirror Car DVR with Clip

    1 out of 1 members found this review helpful

    Πολύ καλό βίντεο, αλλά δυστυχώς δεν υπάρχει στο μενού επιλογή για να τραβάει βίντεο με σβηστή την LCD, πράγμα το οποίο σου δημιουργεί μεγάλο πρόβλημα το βράδυ. Το θέμα είναι να τραβάει βίντεο χωρίς να είναι συνέχεια αναμμένη η οθόνη. Έψαξα στο google μπας και βρω κανα άλλο firmware αλλά τιποτα... Σιγά μην ασχοληθούν οι κινέζοι...

    • Video Quality
    • Low light performance
    • Sound
    • Moderate difficulty installation
    • Size
    • Value for money
    • Small number of functions/settings